10/23: Penn State COVID-19仪表板 updated

Community urged to remain vigilant and continue to adhere to all public health guidelines for mask-wearing and social distancing in advance of season’s first football game
Photograph of the gates to campus from Allen Street
图片来源:Michelle Bixby

宾州大学公园. — Penn State released its preliminary 冠状病毒 testing results for the period of 10月. 16到22 COVID-19仪表板 今天(10月. 23). The University Park campus received 127 positive on-demand test results and 13 positive random test results from student testing during the period of 10月. 16 to 22. 截至10月. 22在大学公园, 有235个正在审理的学生案件,3个,411 students have completed their isolation period and are no longer active cases.

在大学公园的员工中, there is one new on-demand testing positive for the period of 10月. 16 to 22 since the last dashboard update on Tuesday (10月. 20).  

Tests administered later in the week are still pending results, which can take 48 hours or more and will be included in the dashboard update on Tuesday, 10月. 27.

10月当周的数据. 9 to 15 has also been updated as additional test results came in and were validated. 仪表板, 当更新和发布新的数据, is only a snapshot at that one point in time and cannot be considered a final reporting as test results are still pending for the 10月. 16 ~ 22时间段.

“在稳步下降之后, the slight uptick in the number of active cases serves as a reminder that the virus is still with us,欧博体育官网校长埃里克. 巴伦. “With our first football game taking place on Saturday, 流感季节即将来临, it is especially critical that we remain diligent in our prevention behaviors so that we do not undo the progress we’ve made in recent weeks. For the sake of the overall health of our community, 我敦促我们的学生, employees and all Penn State fans to not congregate this weekend and to continue practicing masking-wearing, 保持社交距离,注意卫生. This is not the time to let down our guard.”

University Park On-Demand Student Testing Positive Results by Week:

University Park On-Demand Student Testing Positive Results 10 23 20

University Park Random Student Testing Positive Results by Week:

University Park Random Student Testing Positive Results 10 23 20

自上周二(10月9日)上次更新以来. 20), the dashboard indicates the following new student testing results at Commonwealth Campuses:

  • Altoona: two on-demand testing positives for the period of 10月. 16 to 22
  • 蒙特中音: one on-demand testing positive for the period of 10月. 16 to 22
  • Scranton: one on-demand testing positive for the period of 10月. 9 to 15

仪表板 indicates that Altoona has one on-demand testing positive and one random testing positive among employees for the period of 10月. 16 to 22.

All students who test positive are being placed in isolation and, through systematic University contact tracing, close contacts of the infected individuals are being identified and 必须隔离14天 from the last contact with the infected individual. 

Students who are concerned about COVID-19 exposure are urged to utilize the University’s health care resources to seek out testing and facilitate contact tracing. Students with health concerns should call the 24/7 Advice Nurse at 814-863-4463. At University Park, students can make appointments with University Health Services by using myUHS or calling the appointment line at 814-863-0774. Commonwealth Campus students should contact their 校园卫生保健服务.

Penn State experts are continuing to track current trends and continuously monitoring local, 州和国家疾病数据. The University is working closely with officials from the 宾西法尼亚 Departments of Education and Health, as well as local public and private organizations, to carefully monitor the prevalence of 冠状病毒 in Centre County to determine if the virus is moving from the campus community to the local community and, 如果是这样的话, to develop strategies to mitigate such spread.

继续在校学习, work and other activities through the fall semester, 至关重要的是,学生, faculty and staff at all campuses and in adjacent communities do their part to limit the spread of COVID-19 — and support the effort to “要么戴上面具,要么打包走人.” The University urges everyone to continue to wear face masks, practice social distancing and avoid gatherings entirely.

For the latest updates and information on Penn State’s response to the 冠状病毒 pandemic, 包括 常见问题 and information specific for students, faculty and staff, visit virusinfo.事业单位.edu.