



MONT ALTO, Pa. — Seventy-two 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 students displayed and presented their best academic and artistic work on April 24, 在第15届欧博体育官网蒙托学术节期间. 由于COVID-19, 今年的电影节是一个虚拟活动,以创新的研究为基础的海报, 欧博官网app下载展示, 以及学生通过Zoom进行的口头报告.  

The 蒙特中音 campus community applauds all the students who presented their research and scholarly work in this year’s festival.

今年的获奖名单在电影节后公布. 恭喜以下同学:


First: “Hosted SAP Classroom Support” — Michael, Fignar, Timothy Eaton (教师 Mentor: Paul Bart)

这个项目提出了一个托管的SAP ERP解决方案,用于与业务相关的课堂支持, 技术, 医疗保健领域. The solution provides free access to SAP products that inform and educate students on business process components and/or their configuration through premade curriculum. This free curriculum can better prepare students to enter their respective field of work following graduation and can potentially improve their marketability to employers.

Second: “Flourishing with the Emotional Challenges and Stressors Associated with College” — Katelyn Jackson (教师导师:Jacob S. 索耶)

This informational exhibit reviews the current information regarding college student emotional well-being and attempts to explain how students can flourish with the emotional challenges and stressors associated with college. The variables that tend to have the greatest impact on the overall emotional well-being are discussed as coping mechanisms, 社会支持系统, 和弹性. Reviewing this literature is important as it is becoming increasingly more evident that college student emotional well-being is a major concern.

第三:“了解服务性动物”——本彩, 莎妮娅阿瑟顿, 杰西布勒, 阿曼达·克鲁格, 奔驰Ost, Shayna Young(教师导师:Anne Devney)

今天,看到残疾人陪伴着服务性动物并不罕见. 不幸的是, 公众对这些动物能提供的照顾和好处知之甚少. 在这个演讲中, 我们讨论服务性动物的法律定义, 他们的训练和行为, 处理人的责任和权利, 以及其他支持性或治疗性动物之间的区别.


First: “A Content Analysis on the Psychological Impacts of School Shootings: Current Themes and Directions for Future Research” — Cara Burgan, 阿曼达·摩尔, 珍娜·泰勒, Blasia·, (教师导师:Jacob S. 索耶)

本研究是对29篇与校园枪击案相关的文章进行内容分析. An analysis of the data suggests that slightly more articles were nonempirical rather than empirical, 基于样本特征,有相似的代表性比率, 而且大多数都集中在美国. 此外, 创伤, 学校的政策, post-shooting干预, and specific shooting events were the most common topics within four primary factors assessed in this study. 研究结果对未来的研究具有重要意义.

Second: “The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Attachment and Substance Abuse in Sexual and Gender Minority Emerging Adults” — 阿曼达·摩尔 (教师 Mentor: Barrett Scroggs)

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have been linked to several health disparities including deficits in regulating emotions, 对压力的敏感性, 以及药物使用. Sexual and gender minorities (SGM) experience high rates of psychological distress 以及药物使用 and report higher rates of ACEs compared to their heterosexual peers. 目前的研究发现,ace和可卡因之间存在显著关系, 处方阿片类药物, 安非他明, 溶剂/吸入剂, 硝酸戊酯, 和MDMA,通过SGM新兴成人的安全依恋来解释.

第三:“有效镇静管理”——杰奎琳·科丁顿, 杰西卡·贝克利, 丹尼尔Failor, Chassidy Bishop(教师导师Stephanie Unger和Lisa Ward)

Finding a more effective management of sedation in mechanically ventilated patients is the goal of the critical care unit (CCU) nurses at Waynesboro Hospital. 本研究将对最佳实践/政策的文献进行回顾. The PICO question presented is: In intubated and mechanically ventilated critical care patients, what is the most effective protocol for sedation management compared to the current practice used at Waynesboro Hospital. 利用约翰霍普金斯护理循证实践证据水平和质量指南, the evidence from the literature reviews will indicate more effective measures for sedation medications and give options for other available sedation scales in managing intubated and mechanically ventilated CCU patients, 病人的治疗结果都是积极的.



This project focuses on the importance of identifying the biracial race and becoming aware of the struggles these individuals face. 混血儿的身份, 像所有的身份一样, 每天都在变化, 混血儿在他们的身份发展中有独特的挣扎.

Second: “Archaeoastronomy in Ancient Civilizations” — Alex Benedict (教师 mentor: Kimberly Herrmann)

This presentation looks at how different civilizations used astronomy in their daily lives and how it impacted beliefs, 文化, 和考古学.



This project focuses on the importance of identifying the biracial race and becoming aware of the struggles these individuals face. 混血儿的身份, 像所有的身份一样, 每天都在变化, 混血儿在他们的身份发展中有独特的挣扎."

Second: “A Content Analysis on the Psychological Impacts of School Shootings: Current Themes and Directions for Future Research” — Cara Burgan, 阿曼达·摩尔, 珍娜·泰勒, Blasia·, (教师导师:Jacob S. 索耶)

本研究是对29篇与校园枪击案相关的文章进行内容分析. An analysis of the data suggests that slightly more articles were nonempirical rather than empirical, 基于样本特征,有相似的代表性比率, 而且大多数都集中在美国. 此外, 创伤, 学校的政策, post-shooting干预, and specific shooting events were the most common topics within four primary factors assessed in this study. 研究结果对未来的研究具有重要意义.

Third: “The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Attachment and Substance Abuse in Sexual and Gender Minority Emerging Adults” — 阿曼达·摩尔 (教师 Mentor: Barrett Scroggs)

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have been linked to several health disparities including deficits in regulating emotions, 对压力的敏感性, 以及药物使用. Sexual and gender minorities (SGM) experience high rates of psychological distress 以及药物使用 and report higher rates of ACEs compared to their heterosexual peers. 目前的研究发现,ace和可卡因之间存在显著关系, 处方阿片类药物, 安非他明, 溶剂/吸入剂, 硝酸戊酯, 和MDMA,通过SGM新兴成人的安全依恋来解释.


The University Libraries Information Literacy Award recognizes scholarly work based on a foundation of careful background research and literature review.

“水中分娩的影响”——Meghan Durniak, Ashlyn埃利斯, 奥黛丽·格拉斯迈尔(教师导师:斯蒂芬妮·昂格和洛伊斯·奥恩多夫)

Waterbirth is becoming increasingly popular in the United States and women value the opportunity to have a choice in their birthing method. The purpose of this research is to evaluate how waterbirth affects patient satisfaction and the safety of the mother and neonate compared to the traditional delivery model in unmedicated labor patients. A search for literature was conducted in CINAHL and PubMed databases using keywords waterbirth, waterbirth结果, waterbirth安全, 以及水中分娩的满意度. Eight research articles which evaluated the safety and patient satisfaction of waterbirth were chosen to be reviewed. 整体, 研究发现,水中分娩缩短了第一和第二产程, 减少会阴创伤, 为劳动妇女引出积极的经验, 也不会增加新生儿不良结局的发生率.


  • 第一个:《欧博体育官网》——珍·努梅克
  • 第二名:《欧博官网app下载》——珍·努梅克
  • 第二名:“我曾经在梦中展示过这个”——Haedyssa Harvey
  • 第三部:《欧博体育官网》——萨默尔·彼得森
  • Honorable Mention: “The Volga River” — Hanna Lowman; “Portrait of a Young Woman” — Somer Pedersen; “Lighthouse” — Maria Burkett