宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 holds ribbon cutting for Allied Health Building

Individuals in front of Allied Health Building with mascot for ribbon cutting.

欧博体育官网校长埃里克·巴伦为剪彩仪式剪彩, 在尼塔尼狮子的帮助下, 周三, 4月13日, 2022. 


宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 celebrated its new Allied Health Building — a 22,000平方英尺的校园护理学习中心, Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) and Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) programs — with a ribbon-cutting ceremony 周三, 4月13日. 

The new facility includes simulation laboratories and an ambulance port for the Nursing program, enhanced clinical lab space and equipment for the PTA program and a modern simulated living space for the OTA program. 

公众活动, 在大楼前的校园广场上举行, 欧博体育官网的领导出席了吗, 学生, faculty and staff; local leaders and community members. Formal remarks were offered by 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 Chancellor Francis Achampong, 欧博体育官网校长埃里克. 巴伦, Dean of the Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing Laurie Badzek, President and CEO of WellSpan Health Roxanna Gapstur and President of the Franklin County Area Development Corporation Mike Ross. 

在他的开场白中, 阿昌蓬强调了该建筑最大的资产之一, providing opportunities for inter-professional collaboration across the three disciplines. “The AHB will promote greater interdisciplinary learning that will prepare our allied health graduates to work on integrated healthcare teams.” Achampong also leaned into the campus’ reputation for producing highly skilled allied health care graduates by connecting the facility to the campus’ strategic identification of allied health as the campus’ niche. “This building will position 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 as a first-choice destination for education in allied health,他说. “有成千上万的OT, PT, and Nursing graduates 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 has already produced, we look forward to solidifying our position as the premier institution for allied health in this region.” 

With the nation facing a shortage of qualified and well-trained health care professionals, the need for investments in health care workers was a common theme among the speakers. 巴伦 underscored Penn State’s commitment to supporting health care-related initiatives, 他说这对我们共同的未来至关重要. “The new Allied Health Building and its state-of-the-art resources, 再加上我们优秀的师资力量, 能让我们的学生更上一层楼,他说. 

Recognizing the toll that the pandemic has taken on health care professionals since March 2020, Badzek took a moment to recognize the contribution of local allied health professionals and of 蒙特中音’s allied health 学生. “Should we give our nursing faculty and 学生 and all our allied health professionals and 学生 here today a round of applause for the good that they do for our world’s health?她问人群. 

The community benefit of healthcare education was first among Gapstur’ s remarks, noting that the relationship between WellSpan and 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 is a longstanding one based on service and trust. “The relationship between 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校 and WellSpan Health is good for 学生, 对我们的社区也有好处,”她说。. “WellSpan hospitals provide clinical rotation opportunities for Penn State 学生, often paving the way for a long career at WellSpan or other health systems in the area.” 

在他的结束语中, Ross applauded the University for making such an important investment to healthcare education in the region, not just in the overall quality of the allied heath and nursing programs and their respective faculty, 而是在建筑本身的建设中. “设施问题. They matter in the University’s efforts to attract and retain both 学生 and faculty,他说. “And given the historic advances taking place in the healthcare industry, it is essential to have an educational facility capable of supporting those advances.” 

联合健康大厦, 这是该校20多年来的第一座新建筑, 在2018年获得了欧博体育官网董事会的批准, 建设于2020年8月开始. 2021年8月, the campus celebrated the building entering the final phase of construction with the placing of a 25-year time ca事业单位le under the main stairwell between the first and second floors. 建设于2021年11月完成, with faculty moving into the facility between the end of 2020 through April 2021. 

Hord Coplan Macht, Inc. from Baltimore, Maryland, served as the building’s architect and Kinsley Construction, Inc. of York, 宾西法尼亚, as the project’s construction manager. 

有关护理的更多欧博官网app下载, Occupational Therapy Assistant and Physical Therapist Assistant programs, 访问 montalto.事业单位.edu/academics